Vandenborre (aka Flemish, Flemand & Baccus) Tarot c. 1780
According to what I have found, the Vandenborre tarot, also known as Flemish Tarot and Tarot Flamand was first published in Brussels, Belgium in 1770 or 1780, depending on which account you read. Like the Marseille tarot deck, this one has illustrated majors and the minors are pips.
A few of the cards have interesting substitutions for the familiar majors. It seems that the deck's creator had little reverence for religious leaders because the High Priestess has been replaced by L'Espagnol Capitano Fracasse. A side note about this card , from The Encyclopedia of Tarot, Vol. I, Kaplan explains "Capitano Eracasse [The Spanish Captain] appears to be based on the character of Captain Fraccasse in the French version of the Commedia dell'Arte. He is a stock character, a braggart and swaggering soldier in the tradition that extends back to Greek and Roman satire." And the Hierophant's place in this deck is occupied by Baccus. Another interesting card is the Hanged Man. This Hanged Man is hanging right side up.
The La Maison Diev is now La Foudre (Lightning) There are also assorted misprints in the text and misspellings. But these add to the charm of this unique deck.
Standard tarot card size, 2-3/4" x 4-3/4" and printed on premium card stock, and comes in a tuck box.
Each deck is specially ordered just for you and mailed directly from the printer. You should receive it in 3-5 weeks although probably sooner.
First, I accept NO CANCELLATIONS or refunds because each deck is specially ordered for you; once the order is sent to the printer, I cannot cancel it and so it will be delivered to you. If more than one deck is ordered, there is reduced shipping for the additional decks.
This is a facsimile reproduction or a restored reproduction of actual cards or period art (the Papus and 1926 Wirth decks). There is no accompanying instruction booklet but may or may not contain instructions or information on additional cards. The card stock is made to be shuffled and used and, as such, may be a disappointment to "collectors" but will delight aficionados who use and appreciate the art of antique decks. Since each deck is made to order please be patient. Your deck will be ordered immediately but may take up to 3 to 5 weeks to arrive, internationally 3-7 weeks.
My printer is now collecting VAT for EU countries so I have adjusted the shipping charges to reflect that. price increase. Sorry.
There are some locations where I will not ship via regular mail including Mexico and Brazil because regular has gone missing. If you are from the countries with known unreliable postal systems, sorry, I will return your payments. If you are serious about wanting the decks we can make other arrangements,